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The Best 5 Apps to Support Breast Cancer Patients

One in eight US women develop breast cancer over the course of their lifetime, making it the second most common cancer in American women. The journey is never easy, but there are many steps you can take to support yourself or a friend with breast cancer.

Being more educated about a health complication, acquiring methods to track it, having the means to get your questions answered, and receiving mental support are all important measures one can take.

There are many apps out there that are specifically designed to serve this purpose. We’re very proud to report that our flagship app, Breast Advocate® made this exclusive list!

The 5 Best Breast Cancer Apps

Shared Decision Making: Putting The Patient at the Center of Healthcare

By explicitly recognizing a patient’s right to make decisions about their care, shared decision making can help ensure that care is truly patient-centered.

As gravity shifts away from health care providers as the sole keeper of medical information, the importance of sharing decisions, as opposed to clinicians making decisions on behalf of patients, has been increasingly recognized.

Shared decision-making (SDM) is the conversation that happens between a patient and clinician to reach a healthcare choice together.

Shared Decision Making: Putting The Patient at the Center of Healthcare

The Importance of Shared Decision-Making

When planning any type of medical treatment, interactions between the patient and their clinical care team tend to fall into one of the following types: paternalistic, informative, or shared decision-making.

Paternalistic decision-making occurs when the physician decides which course of action or treatment is in the patient’s best interest, without involving the patient in the decision-making process, i.e., “Here’s what we’re going to do for you Mrs. Smith.”

The “Informative” approach to decision-making provides the patient more comprehensive information including pros and cons, and the risk of complications, but still does not consider the patient’s values or preferences. 

Shared decision-making occurs when the health care provider and patient work together to make a health care decision that is best for the patient. The optimal decision takes into account…

Importance of shared decision-making | GRYT Health

Shared Decision-Making: Improves care while lowering costs

A report published in the New England Journal of Medicine touts that shared decision-making provides many benefits for patients, clinicians, and the healthcare system as a whole. These benefits include improved patient knowledge, less anxiety over the care process, improved health outcomes, reductions in unwarranted variation in care and costs, and better alignment of care with patients’ values. 

Even the Affordable Care Act (ACA) thinks so. It has a provision in it that encourages greater use of shared decision-making in health care.

Patients and their families often get confused and overwhelmed when making complex medical decisions where there is more than one treatment option. Shared decision-making, a collaborative process between patients and their physicians, can help clear up questions efficiently and better aligns patients’ preferences and values with treatment plans.

Decision aids

One key to shared decision making is using patient decision aids…

Shared Decision-Making New England Journal of Medicine | Decision Aids

Why Value-Based Care Must Include Shared Decision-Making

Shared decision-making is a key patient engagement strategy, but not yet widespread. Healthcare professionals say integrating the practice into value-based care could spark adoption.

Shared decision-making, or the practice of an informed patient participating in treatment decisions alongside her clinicians, may seem like a natural patient engagement strategy. After all, shared decision-making integrates the patient into the healthcare process and gives the patient more claim in her wellness journey.

Shared decision-making has shown to reduce preventable hospital readmissions among cardiac patients by at least 19 percent, and can also decrease patient anxiety and healthcare costs.

But despite proven clinical efficacy, shared decision-making isn’t entirely widespread across the healthcare industry, says Peter Goldbach, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Rite Aid’s RediClinic and Health Dialog…

Why Value-Based Care Must Include Shared Decision-Making